In the News

ISSofBC is often approached by international, national, and local media to feature in articles about policy, or to provide client stories and insights. We also pitch research and our major initiatives to the media. Here are some highlights from 2023 – 2024:

New report highlights challenges refugees in B.C experience – CBC

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Following the release of our Sustaining Welcome: Longitudinal Research on Integration with Resettled Syrian Refugees report, we were invited to CBC Vancouver to discuss the report’s key findings. Judi Khalil, a case worker at Journey Home Community and former refugee, and Kathy Sherrell, Chief Program Officer, Settlement and Refugee Services at ISSofBC, spoke with Dan Burritt at CBC on the experiences of Syrian refugees in BC.

Canadian compassion in action: Recognizing B.C.’s resettlement of Afghan refugees – Vancouver Sun

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We marked the end of the Afghan Special Initiative in early 2023. Our staff played a vital role in responding to the unprecedented challenge of welcoming thousands of Afghans following the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in 2021. Read how all our staff went beyond during this period to support those in need.

All for one – Monocle

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The Monocle came to BC to learn what makes Canada’s approach to newcomers so special compared to the United States and other countries. Chris Friesen provided detailed insights into the practical, political and societal factors that make Canada pre-disposed to welcome newcomers more than other countries.