Stories of Impact


ith 26, 000 clients, we are privileged to learn about an enormous range of individual journeys and stories. Many include significant challenges, and not all yet reflect the successes and achievements that newcomers and their families are seeking. What we hear everyday, however, are inspiring stories of help, hard work and step-by-step progress that embody the hope of newcomers, and the goals of Canada’s immigration system. We are proud to share just a few of these from last year with you.

Diversity of Genders

Immigrant Women Peer Support Program – Anonymous

I joined ISSofBC as an individual, but through this program, I became part of a cohesive, supportive community along with my friends. I learned how to present, validate emotions and offer empathy without judgement. These skills have extended beyond the training room and have become the threads weaving a stronger and more compassionate society.

As newcomer women, we face various challenges and learning to support each other is a journey that often requires confronting our vulnerabilities. However, in this program, we have learned how to actively listen and create safe spaces for those in need.”

Diversity of Ages

Youth Peer Leader (YPL) – Anonymous

I grew up in Afghanistan until the Taliban invasion of August 2021. My family had no choice but to split up and seek refuge in neighbouring countries. I applied to as many humanitarian organizations as possible, hoping I could get myself, my younger sibling, and my parents to safety. After months of uncertainty and hiding, we finally made it to Pakistan. Shortly after we arrived, we learned we would go to Canada. I could not believe we would be leaving, having come to close to near death experiences so many times.

My first year in Canada was the hardest. Having gone from staying hidden and living in fear in Afghanistan, to being able to walk alone, dress how I wanted and talk to anyone was a jarring experience. I was not sure who I was anymore or what my goals were. I had a challenging time making friends and was not motivated to socialize or connect with my local community. Eventually my sibling enrolled me in adult education hoping this would encourage me to socialize. Soon after I joined the Youth Peer Leaders program at ISSofBC and began making friends and connecting with the community. These experiences helped me work on my communication, social skills, confidence, and self-esteem.

Looking back on my first year, I can’t believe how much has changed. I never thought I would see my older siblings again and be as happy as I am now.”

Settlement stories

Moving Ahead Program (MAP) – Anonymous

I came to British Columbia with my wife and our son as refugees from Syria. The language barrier was a significant challenge, as we had to learn a new language to communicate effectively and integrate into Canadian society. We enrolled in ISSofBC English language courses, while our son went to childcare.

As our language skills improved, we seized every opportunity that came our way. My background is in construction so, using my new English skills, I got a job in flooring. My wife took computer classes to improve her computer skills with ISSofBC. She also joined an ISSofBC English conversation circle session to practice and make new friends. She now plans to take some beauty skincare courses as she has valuable experience in this industry.

Less than a year after we arrived in BC, we’ve had remarkable success. I have a job, allowing us to live a stable life and my wife is improving her English, learning about Canadian culture and making friends daily!”

New Horizons – Anonymous

“My daughter sponsored me to immigrate to Canada in 2022. Back in Iran I was a clinical psychologist but after I arrived, I had problems with learning English. It is not easy to learn at my age. However, I used the resources in my local community and improved a lot.

In 2023, I joined the New Horizons program at ISSofBC. It helped me learn digital literacy so now I can use my limited English and digital literacy skills to attend online classes and use computers in the library.

Another great benefit of this program was that I found a way to support my community. I am now becoming a volunteer with ISSofBC, which is a great achievement for me. I am not a psychologist in Canada, but I have found a way to support my people and the community.”

English language (LINC) class stories

LINC student in Maple Ridge

When I started LINC (CLB) 1 in Maple Ridge back in 2019, I faced challenges as a senior learner. Despite this, I engaged actively in class activities and gradually moved through CLB levels 2, 3, and 4. I achieved Canadian citizenship along the way, but did not stop there. In September 2023, I returned as a volunteer in the same class where I began. Now, I assist Lit/CLB 1 students with letter formation, reading, and spelling, providing crucial one-on-one support. My journey highlights the impact of ISSofBC in supporting newcomers’ integration and success.”

LINC student in Squamish

Coming to Canada due to the war in Ukraine, I only had basic English from school. Starting in CLB 4 in September 2022, I advanced to CLB 5 by November 2023. The LINC Program transformed my confidence. I now excel in customer service and even teach aerobics at Brennan Recreation Park. With new confidence, I applied for a teller position at CIBC bank and was promoted to head teller. The LINC Program empowered me to achieve my goals and grow personally and professionally in Canada.”

Career Services stories

Career Paths – Anonymous

“Arriving in Canada in 2019 with a master’s degree and five years’ experience, I quickly realized the job market here differed. Despite my qualifications, I needed help navigating this new environment. Discovering ISSofBC’s Career Paths program was a turning point. My career strategist crafted a tailored action plan, enhancing my technical skills through courses like Applied DevOps with Kubernetes and Back-End Web Development with Node.js. More than just skills, she emphasized the importance of networking and finding mentors.

My employment relations specialist gave me insights beyond job applications to understand the Canadian work culture and build a sustainable career. Her support and encouragement were instrumental in securing my role as a programmer analyst at BC Public Services. Thanks to ISSofBC, I not only found a job, but also gained the confidence to thrive in Canada’s competitive tech industry.”

Global Talent Loans – Anonymous

Arriving in Canada as a new immigrant, I was initially grateful for the warm welcome, but soon faced the daunting challenge of finding suitable employment. Despite my qualifications as a PhD, my job search in British Columbia proved difficult, leading to feelings of insecurity and uncertainty. ISSofBC became a crucial support system during this trying time. My case manager provided invaluable guidance to identify areas for improvement and connecting me with resources essential for securing a job in my field through Global Talent Loans.

The loans enabled me to pursue certifications and professional development courses. This investment proved pivotal, opening doors to further employment opportunities and eventual promotions. ISSofBC’s professionalism, empathy, and expertise were instrumental in my progress, transforming my initial struggles into a pathway towards establishing a successful career in Canada.”

Spark and Ignite – Anne Nugent

Starting N2P Distributors as a single mom and immigrant was hard. ISSofBC’s Spark program came at the right time, connecting me with helpful resources and a supportive group. Moving to the Ignite program, I got personal advice that helped me make smart business decisions. ISSofBC continues to support me with advice and connections, which has been crucial for N2P Distributors’ success. I’m thankful ISSofBC believed in me and helped me achieve my dreams in Canada.”

Language and Career College (LCC) stories

Mariana Mendez

I came to Vancouver two years ago from Mexico. I chose British Columbia because I wanted to gain international experience with a plan to build my own marketing business in Mexico. Also, I was attracted to Canada’s diversity, safety, job market, and natural beauty.

I have taken General English and Business Diploma classes at ISSofBC Language and Career College (LCC) and completed the Global Tourism and Professional Communication in Marketing co-op program. I have learned so much about customer service and improved my English skills. I have found the real-life examples and role plays with my instructors helpful. I have improved my job skills in the Business Diploma program to match the Canadian workplace. I am now pleased to be a program assistant in the LCC office and looking forward to joining the Digital Marketing and Office Administration Diploma (DMOA) Program with Co-op at LCC.

I live In Coquitlam; I love living there because it is nice and quiet also there are so many green areas and great views of the beautiful mountains. I can say this has been one of the best experiences in my life.”

Carlos Serrano Rosero

I came to Canada for several reasons, primarily because I wanted to provide a better quality of life for my family, and to make my dream of living in an English-speaking country a reality.

I am proud to say that the TESOL Diploma course and the practicum turned out to be one of the most transformative. Not only did my TESOL instructor, Ljerka Anic, and my sponsor teacher, Beverly Komukai, share their expertise and vast knowledge most generously, but they also gave me the confidence and courage I needed to feel comfortable and professionally trained in an English-speaking country. My always encouraging classmates complemented what I consider a perfect environment for cooperative learning.

As a teacher —especially a Latin American— human connection has always been an essential part of my life. I was afraid that it would be too hard to make friends and create deep bonds with people around me. My classmates and instructors at LCC filled that void with their empathy, cooperation, and warmth.

With this renewed teaching skill set, I am ready to take up my upcoming position as an English instructor for a course at Langara College, with the hope that this will open many other career paths in the future. Now I feel that I can finally embrace my mission as an immigrant from a non-English-speaking country: to inspire and support newcomers develop their English language skills so that they can truly exercise the freedom most of us long for when we dream of living in Canada.”