Through our settlement programming, we emphasized health, digital literacy and social connectedness in several ways including:
- Promoting active transportation through the Newcomer Bike Mentorship program.
- Engaging seniors in first language digital literacy and skill building in the Healthy Body, Healthy Minds – A Focus on Connectedness and Wellbeing of Newcomer Seniors.
- Training newcomer women on sustainable development goals and project implementation through the Women’s Insight program.
- The expansion of our Resettlement Assistance and Settlement Orientation Services (SOS) programs supported and welcomed an increased number of refugees to Metro Vancouver.
Internally, we have continued to focus on staff professional development, mental health and wellbeing through learn and share sessions on key immigration topics, and regular group sessions and peer to peer support with a clinical counsellor.
We are deeply appreciative of the continued support of our funders, clients, volunteers and staff.